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Das Atomic Heart-Update fügt FOV-Optionen hinzu und behebt eine Menge Bugs



Atomic Heart ist jetzt seit ein paar Wochen erhältlich, und wie du in unserem Testbericht lesen konntest, ist das Spiel durchaus spielenswert. In der Zwischenzeit hat der Entwickler mehrere Updates veröffentlicht und außerdem versprochen, dass ein FOV-Schieberegler zum Spiel kommen würde.

Das Update 1.08 ist jetzt auf allen Plattformen verfügbar, für die das Spiel erhältlich ist, und es fügt die oben erwähnten FOV-Schieberegleroptionen hinzu. Es behebt außerdem eine Reihe verschiedener Probleme. Genauere Details findet ihr in den unten stehenden Patch Notes.

  • FOV settings added
  • Ultrawide screen fixes (FOV adapted)
  • Fixed an issue with a default voiceover being set to English after launching the game for the first time


  • Improved VFX for Vov/a6 death in frozen state
  • Add sounds for jumping in Limbo
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect displaying of PM in the NORA Repair Vendor with installed cartridge
  • Fixed some environment collisions before the final boss fight
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect flickering lighting at the bottom of the screen when moving around the Chelomey location
  • Fixed an issue with P-3 body flickering in the Sechenov Center cutscene
  • Fixed an issue with cartoons not playing sometimes
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect loading of the first location in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect loading of the boiler room after loading
  • Fixed an issue with culling of plant in the Pesticide location
  • Fixed an issue with the lighting in a hotel in the Village
  • Added aiming sounds for MP “Revolver-type bolt frame” upgrade
  • Fixed an issue with a sound in an elevator in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue with an environment culling in the Maya Plisetskaya Theater
  • Fixed an issue with a sound of the Testing Ground (POLYGON 8) exit door
  • Fixed an issue with an A-pose of mutant corpses
  • Fixed an issue with a sound in an elevator in the Algae Workshop of the Vavilov Сomplex
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect loading of the last puzzle room in the Magnetic Shock Absorption Zone


  • Improved quest markers in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue with Tereshkova not going further if you stand close to the gate
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect Plych spawn in the Pavlov Complex morgue
  • Fixed an issue with an elevator in the Testing Ground (POLYGON 10)
  • Fixed an issue with a Candle in the Testing Ground (POLYGON 10)
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect Rotorobot spawn in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue with missing objects
  • Fixed an issue with a save in the Vavilov Complex tunnels
  • Fixed an issue with a deadlock when hitting the Plyusch in the Maya Plisetskaya Theater with a Swede’s circle attack
  • Fixed an issue with getting stuck in the Testing Ground (POLYGON 1)
  • Fixed an issue with an incorrect quest item picking while having a huge amount of resources
  • Fixed an issue with a quest item turning into the MARC (“Fat Boy”) ammo
  • Fixed an issue with a start of the Limbo location
  • Fixed an issue with a crash when loading autosave in the Algae Workshop
  • Fixed an issue with a сrash after death from the Natasha’s missile
  • Fixed an issue with the “She sells mustache on a seashore” quest updating
  • Fixed an issue with the Black Vova’s health bar after an autosave
  • Fixed an issue with an elevator doors in the Seed Bank of the Vavilov Complex
  • Fixed an issue with a door in the Testing Ground (POLYGON 11)
  • Fixed an issue with not being able to re-enter after the exit through the main entrance to VDNH right before the door closes
  • Fixed an issue with a door not opening at the start of the Limbo in the Pavlov Complex
  • Fixed an issue with doors not opening after killing the Plyusch and all the mobs in the Testing Ground (POLYGON 9)
  • Fixed an issue when player is loaded through an autosave on the level border on the transition from an entrance to tunnels in the Vavilov Complex
  • Fixed an issue when part of the Sechenov’s Office area in the Chelomey is not loading when going up in an elevator
  • Fixed an issue when part of the Ceremonial Ramp area in the VDNH isn’t loading
  • Fixed an issue when it’s impossible to interact with the Candle in the boiler room of the Thermarium if it’s pushed behind the pipe support


  • Fixed an issue with the Windbender Power Generators and Dandelion CCTV System being not repaired by the Pchelas
  • Fixed an issue with a missing KS-23 receipt
  • Fixed an issue with the P.E.A.R. terminal not responding to interaction in a locked room in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue when it’s impossible to open map in the open world
  • Fixed an issue when you can not get out of the car in some cases
  • Fixed collisions in many places to prevent being stuck in an environment
  • Fixed an issue with an inaccessible Chirper in the Pesticide location of the Vavilov Complex
  • Fixed an issue with consumable items in the weapon selection wheel
  • Fixed an issue with displaying of the uninstalled PM upgrades
  • Fixed an issue with displaying of the uninstalled MARC (“Fat Boy”) upgrades
  • Fixed an issue with a loot disappearing after loading the save
  • Fixed an issue when pieces of dead frozen enemies become lootable
  • Fixed an issue with missing map objects in the Friendship of Peoples Park in the VDNH
  • Fixed an issue with falling down under the map when jumping onto the reflector at the end of the Magnetic Shock Absorption Zone


  • Fixed an issue with an achievement progress saving
  • Fixed an issue with the progress of achievements after restarting the game
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the “Scanner” achievement
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the “Atomic Heart” achievement
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the “Lord of War” achievement
  • Fixed an issue with finding/crafting MP not forwarding the “Lord of War” achievement
  • Fixed an issue with the progress of the “Hothead” achievement
  • Fixed an issue with unlocking the “Clean-up” achievement


  • Fixed an issue with the NORA Repair Vendor UI
  • NORA Repair Vendor storage UI improvements for the 16:10 and 21:9 ratio monitors
  • Improved HUD notifications for sending items to the storage
  • Improved skill activation HUD
  • Fixed an issue with a stuck display of the received loot


  • Improved performance in some areas
  • Improved stability – fixed some rare crashes


  • Mouse acceleration disabled
  • Fixed an issue with a soft lock when pressing space many times during the use of the NORA Repair Vendor


  • If you install third-party software to modify the Atomic Heart game client on a PC, it may break your game. In the event of a similar situation, to solve it, you should uninstall this software and reinstall the game.
  • If you’ve encountered issues on Steam, the first thing to do is check the integrity of the game files as described here, as it may solve the issues:

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